"Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Melodies Of Prayer - Heavenly melodies, beautiful conservative traditional Christian inspirational music and fine classics to uplift and heal your soul.
brought to you prayerfully .. with love from Guam!

"May Heaven's beauty, power and love
fill your heart today"

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We praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers and loving support for His work through this humble ministry.

Through God's gracious Providence and loving Christian generosity, Melodies Of Prayer is on Guam airwaves via KGCA-LP FM 106.9, Tumon, Guam, since January 15, 2009; and is now also on FM 107.9 (via Translator K300AV, Agat/Santa Rita, Guam), since August 31, 2010.

After months of prayer and much supplication, on December 12, 2010, Melodies Of Prayer went on Saipan airwaves on FM 91.5 (KMOP, Garapan, Northern Marianas).

Please pray that this healing ministry will continue to reach and bless Guam/Micronesia and the world beyond with the joy of holiness, Heaven's standard of health and happiness through a life of faith and obedience, trust and surrender in a loving Savior, Jesus Christ!


Melodies Of Prayer, Inc. (A U.S. Non-profit Organization)
154 Calachucha Avenue
Barrigada, GUAM 96913, U.S.A.
(671) 637-5975



Edwin Supit, M.D. (LLU'96)

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